New Product Development – Looking Back Over Two Years – Gluten Free Tortillas & Gluten & Dairy Free Cheesecake

This module at university has been one I have really enjoyed doing.
After being assigned what I had originally thought would be an easy task – gluten-free tortillas I soon learnt that gluten-free alternatives to standard foods were not easy to produce. It was easy to get something the looked like a tortilla, but to get one that people would actually want to eat… Definitely not easy.
We were each assigned to briefs which were set by real companies with real problems. Mine came from a welsh bakery that specialised in gluten-free baked products. Their products included cakes and biscuits, but it was their tortillas that they were experiencing difficulties with. Their recipe would often stick to the hot plates or the tortilla would be fine freshly baked but once cooled would snap once you tried to roll it. I was given the option of trying to improve the current recipe or start from scratch. I opted for starting from scratch.
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